Adolescents & Social Norms

Our goal
To learn how best to support local efforts to promote sustained improvements in social norms that enable better health and livelihood outcomes for adolescent girls and young women.
Suman Ben walks her daughter, Angel, to a creche in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
A mother walks her daughter to a creche in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. ©Gates Archive/Mansi Midha

Our strategy

We work to expand the body of data and evidence on gender norms and their impact on progress toward gender equality. By generating more data, supporting multimedia platforms, and supporting local leaders and champions of women, we aim to enable adolescent girls and young women to have the agency to make decisions about their health, education, and economic opportunities in a supportive environment.

Why focus on adolescents and social norms?

  • For girls and young women in low- and middle-income countries, adolescence is a time of powerful, outsized impacts—both positive and negative—that can affect their future health and livelihood as well as those of their children.
  • Harmful gender norms are barriers to gender equality, including by preventing women and girls from achieving critical health and economic outcomes.

Strategy leadership